Now you can pre-order new english translation of history book written by Ricardo Amorim in original called Lobos que Foram Homens. The 450 page book available trough Cult Never Dies was edited by Dayal Patterson and translated by Rita Telhada. Available on boxset and paperback. Licensed by Alma Mater Books...
Born on August 26th, 1974, in Lisbon, Fernando Ribeiro should not be an unknown name to devotees of his craft as singer and lyricist of Portuguese dramaturgs, Moonspell. Though, beyond his predominant responsibilities on Moonspell, it is to remark that he is also a thriving book writer and novelist plus...
As you could read before, Moonspell published a new bilingual (english, portuguese) book via Saída de Emergência for their 20th anniversary. This book has two versions, one in paperback and one as special edition with hard cover and little bonus, the signed photo of band. The special edition is limited to 222 copies, so...
Moonspell: “Finally in our hands. The XX anniversary photobiography book. Available on bilingual edition PT/ENG. Paperback edition: 17,01€. Hardcover: 21,51 € plus P&P. Order here: geral@saidadeemergencia.com”
Moonspell are going to release a photo-biographical book called Moonspell Photobiography XX with the previous 20 years of the band history. The book will be available in English and Portuguese.