Now you can pre-order new english translation of history book written by Ricardo Amorim in original called Lobos que Foram Homens. The 450 page book available trough Cult Never Dies was edited by Dayal Patterson and translated by Rita Telhada. Available on boxset and paperback. Licensed by Alma Mater Books...
Label Alma Mater Records released two vinyls for Record store day, one is 2LP Night Eternal and second is single Scorpion Flower. Night Eternal Fernando’s comment: It’s been more than ten years since its original release but this one it’s still very deeply representative of what MOONSPELL is. Besides, it does sounds actual and...
Moonspell is already working on the new album in the studio as Fernando announced in an interview by MetalForces in August 2018: I’ve already written a lot of lyrics for what’s going to be the forthcoming album of MOONSPELL, and the other guys are working on some music that I...
The wolfpack announced some time ago that they are going to release Live record called Lisboa Under The Spell. Another new is 30th anniversary release of Wolfheart LP reissue with rescanned original design by Axel Hermann! There are again several versions of both also with awesome t-shirt in Napalm Records...
The band announced the lyric video for the first song off their new album “1755”! Check the comment of Metal Injection here. Even tough this all happened in 1755, there are still a lot of world and country leaders that think themselves as saints, with a sacred mission, chosen by...
Moonspell is going on tour with Cradle of Filth. January to March 2018. Europa. FULL DATES: 18.01. CZ Prague, Roxy 19.01. CZ Ostrava, Garage 20.01. SK Bratislava, MMC 21.01. HU Budapest, A38 23.01. PL Krakow, Kwadrat 24.01. PL Warsaw, Progresja 25.01. PL Gdansk, B90 27.01. DE Leipzig, Hellraiser 28.01. DE...
Moonspell released informations about upcoming EP 1755: Here are the first details about our upcoming Album! 1755 To Be Released November 3rd on Napalm Records! “Portugal’s Dark Metal pioneers in MOONSPELL are finally back with a brand new and hotly anticipated album, titled 1755. Set to be released on November...
Anneke van Giersbergen recorded a song and videoclip Scorpion Flower with Moonspell in 2008. We have got the oportunity to ask her few questions about this cooperation, so here are the answers: You know Moonspell almost since their beginning. Have you liked their music? The first big European tour for...
Fernando announced new EP record dedicated to catastrophy which happened in 1755 in Lisbon: Greetings wolves and witches! First off, many thanks for all the birthday wishes! It was overwhelming and it made me feel way less alone in a world where souls like ours are obliged to get together...
Moonspell founded own label ALMA MATER RECORDS in August 2016, in Leiria/ Alcobaça in the team of these people: Fernando Ribeiro (CEO / A&R, Moonspell) Pedro Vindeirinho (Product Manager) João Diogo Pereira (Designer) Some words from Alma Mater records: Fernando is Moonspell’s lead singer, lyricist and manager. He started on the...
Moonspell will release 20th anniversary vinyl edition of the classic “Irreligious” album. On October 7th, 2016, an immortal Century Media Records classic, the gothic metal masterpiece “Irreligious” by MOONSPELL returns on vinyl for the first time since its original release back in 1996! In cooperation with the band, Century Media Records...
Napalm Records published documentary of making of album Extinct connected with related topic of extinction in nature.
Born on August 26th, 1974, in Lisbon, Fernando Ribeiro should not be an unknown name to devotees of his craft as singer and lyricist of Portuguese dramaturgs, Moonspell. Though, beyond his predominant responsibilities on Moonspell, it is to remark that he is also a thriving book writer and novelist plus...