Review of Alpha Noir

“Alpha Noir” is the title of the new album by the Portuguese band Moonspell, which will be released on April 27. The interest in this release is definitely pulled by the special deluxe edition that contains a bonus CD entitled “Omega White” (the musical “twin” of Alpha Noir according to statements of the band and Fernando Ribeiro, which also announced that this specific album sounds closer to Irreligious) and it lies into gothic rock patterns (with influences by bands such as Sisters of Mercy and Type 0 Negative). The band describes their new album as a trip between two parallel worlds, having from the one side the Alpha Νoir and from the other the Omega White (which are also controvercial concepts: Alpha ≠ Omega and White ≠ Noir).

So having in my hands the Alpha Noir I think I can judge only half this release since in essence the album is divided into two parts (Alpha Noir and Omega White) even if we talk about a special edition.

The album opens quite impressively with Axis Mundi which heralds in a sense the “chaos” will follow. The band did not calm a minute with songs like Lickanthrope and Versus and all this atmosphere reaches the top with the Alpha Noir song which the band really give their best. For then we have a piece in which Fernando sings in their native language of band (Em Nome Do Medo, meaning: In the name of fear). But the highlight of the album follows shortly afterwards and this is none other than Love is blasphemy, the strongest and most catchy song of the album in my humble opinion. The album closes with a magical and epic manner (Sine Missione).

The Alpha Noir characterized by Moonspell as their personal masterpiece. The precise statement of Fernando Ribeiro in the facebook group was that never again will Moonspell approached so close to the ultimate creation of the masterpiece album. This alone proves that Moonspell invested a lot in this album and they expect a strong response from the audience. Let us not forget that the last years the luck was not by their side (they had been left without company after the closing of the SPV, some of their shows around the world were canceled due to incorrect handling of various promoters and generally the band was confronted with several incidents that only negative can anyone describe them). So it’s entirely reasonable expectations for Alpha Noir to be quite high.

Behind the admittedly very strong production and the mix is Tue Madsen and the pre-production of the disc is Benny Richter. The artwork of the album has edited our “own” Seth Siro Anton, something that is obvious from the first time anyone will see the album art (or better to say the covers as the special edition comes with two covers).

Surely the Alpha Noir is very different from its predecessor (Night Eternal) mainly in the atmosphere of the whole disk. In the Alpha Noir, Moonspell play much more heavy. The guitars kick asses, Fernando gives as always his best and the rhythm section leaves no neck still! The Moonspell on their side wanted to give their best and perhaps to show that even in times of great economic crisis (especially in their homeland, Portugal) can still go out quality works. I would say that the Alpha Noir is a disk “on your face” that grabs you on and does not leaves you for a moment. Definitely we talk about a possible release which will not disappoint any fan of the band.

Frozen Angel

Translation by Giwrgos Andrhs.

Source: Greek blog “”


Dominik Matus

Long time admin of this page, big fan and supporter of Moonspell band. In everyday life art historian, cabinetmaker and restorer.

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