All ways lead to Rome (except one) Portugal was under the rule of Rome for as long as seven centuries. They left us more than roads and baths and still to the day, in between all natural convulsions of that time, one can find some traces of the colonial domain...
Citrullus Lanatus I do not want to go all Forrest Gump on you, but life is no box of chocolates. The other day I bought a watermelon in the supermarket and while I was slicing it into smaller pieces in my kitchen, I thought this oversized fruit, green on the...
Summer set itself in all its grace and power in the land of Portugal but we take this three-week break from festivals to think about and organize the year. There is now a lot of expectation to run and it’s not an easy task to please all appetites. Do not...
From where the Sun barely sets to Vlad’s fullmoon After much negotiation, my son finally took upon Morpheus’ offer and I take this golden chance and run to pack up the vinyl pants and the spiked vest into my bag. I spend more time trying to choose between the two...
Welcome to the brand new Moonspell notebook, Under the Moonspell. With the launch of this notebook (lacking a better zápisníkterm), the band intends to bring you a litlle bit closer and inside the Moonspell’s world and routines, allowing to see and learn more about its members and activities, in a...